Congratulations! You have successfully followed our guide on, How to Become an Independent Insurance Agent, and you are ready to get out there and begin building your book of business and finding new clients. Well, you are in luck, we are sharing sales tips for new and/or inexperienced health insurance insurance agents and brokers that are ready and motivated to ambitiously enter the market in full force. So without further ado, let’s jump right into it!
Get up close and personal!
One of the most important aspects in sales for independent local insurance agents and brokers to keep in mind that you must be personable and get personal with your clients. This is what will make you stand out and separate you from the rest. Your relationship with your clients is as important as the quality of the products you are offering and selling them. So don’t be afraid to become friendly, ask about their family members, be attentive to detail, get to know them, and learn more about their interests and their goals. Find common ground with your clients. This will help you build not only your relationship with your client but your portfolio.
Sell yourself.
In sales you are selling more than just your healthcare and life insurance products, you are also selling yourself. It’s important to keep things in mind such as dress professionally, be on time and prepared for meetings, speak to your clients in a way in which they will understand you, try and refrain from using industry jargon or slang. Be confident and be an expert in what you are selling and what you are pitching. Be sure to listen to your clients when they speak. Don’t speak over them. Let them do most of the talking and learn about them and their needs. All of these tips are sales principles and are fundamental to your success as a young independent insurance agent.
Understand that it is a process, and it takes time and patience.
When in sales understand that it is a numbers game and rejection comes with the territory. Don’t be scared of being told no or being turned down by a client. Understanding that it is a numbers game is part of the sales game. It’s about increasing your odds of success. It’s about having the confidence to effectively go through and learn from the NOs, knowing that if you keep going and are consistent, you will eventually reach the coveted “yes!”
Marketing, Marketing, and More Marketing!
When you’re are entering the health and life insurance industry as a new agent or broker it’s important to be proactive in your marketing approach and strategy. It’s not wise to wait on carriers to send you marketing material for you to use. Take the initiative and put together your target list and marketing strategy. Maximize all areas of marketing opportunities such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. Claro Insurance can also help you analyze opportunities and leads and can help you create a roadmap to an effective marketing plan.
Go get ‘em!
Now you are ready to go out there and make your mark in the health and life insurance world! We can help! Contact a Claro account executive to help you put together your plan of attack. We want to see you succeed! Call us today: 1-800-806-2527.