Claro Insurance

Top Reasons Why Independent Agents Trump Captive Agents

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We’ve previously covered the differences between captive agents and independent agents. This week we are covering some of the top reasons why Independent insurance agents trump captive insurance agents.

Independent insurance agents or brokers have no quotas or sales goals.

Agents set their own goals and work for themselves. Agents don’t have to deal with the added pressure of corporate goals or performance measures, but instead set their own financial goals, which proves beneficial for most agents. This is one of the top reasons agents prefer becoming independent brokers.

Increased commissions.

One of the most important and relevant reasons why agents choose independent work. The way the commission structure is set up, independent agents earn higher commissions than captive agents and there is a great deal of more sales opportunities available because they can sell from multiple insurance companies, which brings us to our following point.

Access to multiple insurance companies.

This is one of the main reasons clients often prefer an independent agent, as they are not tied to one insurance agency and can offer multiple plans and offer unbiased advice since they represent more than one company. Brokers can offer their clients a wide range of different options and solutions and not push one specific product because they are motivated and incentivized to do so.

Call us for guidance.

Deciding which route to take when getting into the insurance agent field is a personal decision and it is based on personal preference. Be sure to contact us if you’d like to learn more about the benefits or would like to learn more about selling insurance through Claro Insurance. 1800-806-2527.

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Independent insurance agents or brokers have no quotas or sales goals.

Agents set their own goals and work for themselves. Agents don’t have to deal with the added pressure of corporate goals or performance measures, but instead set their own financial goals, which proves beneficial for most agents. This is one of the top reasons agents prefer becoming independent brokers.

Increased commissions.

One of the most important and relevant reasons why agents choose independent work. The way the commission structure is set up, independent agents earn higher commissions than captive agents and there is a great deal of more sales opportunities available because they can sell from multiple insurance companies, which brings us to our following point.

Access to multiple insurance companies.

This is one of the main reasons clients often prefer an independent agent, as they are not tied to one insurance agency and can offer multiple plans and offer unbiased advice since they represent more than one company. Brokers can offer their clients a wide range of different options and solutions and not push one specific product because they are motivated and incentivized to do so.

Call us for guidance.

Deciding which route to take when getting into the insurance agent field is a personal decision and it is based on personal preference. Be sure to contact us if you’d like to learn more about the benefits or would like to learn more about selling insurance through Claro Insurance. 1800-806-2527.

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