Tactics That Work to Meet Prospective Health Insurance Clients and Their Needs
Consider these tips for improving your health insurance negotiation tactics to get the sale.
1. Lead with Value (Rather Than Price)
Even when the price is the most important thing for a great number of people, there are a lot of things to consider when you’re choosing your health plan. When speaking to the prospective client, make it clear why they need this policy. Consider statements like “This policy will cover your prescriptions fully each month, so you don’t have to pay out-of-pocket for them.” Make price the last thing the client must consider when considering the policy. You may share, “With this policy, you can book appointments with the doctor’s office right down the street instead of going to that clinic across town.” Make sure they know the value of the policy to their specific needs.
2. Create an “If-Then” Conversation
When talking to prospective clients, discuss their needs at length. Then, offer solutions in this format. “If you want to get care with Dr. Smith, then you need this policy.” This if-then format helps them to see that you understand their need and problem and you have a solution they can apply immediately.
3. Focus on the Educating
Health insurance is complex for many consumers, who struggle to figure out how much they have to pay or what care they receive. Make it easy for them. “This policy will give you a low deductible, and you can still see the doctors you want.” Answer questions and speak in terms most people understand rather than insurance jargon. Be sure to emphasize that you care about their best interest.
4. Possess a Wide Array of Product Knowledge
Product knowledge, and your ability to communicate it to the prospective client, nearly always is critical during the negotiation process. Clients want to know if their needs are met, which may mean asking about policy features, coverage for specific medications and health care providers, and whether wellness services are covered.
5. Be Specific and Clear About Timelines
There’s not a lot of time for a prospective client to make a decision when an OEP deadline is looming. When they are indecisive, make it clear. “I want to get this wrapped up today for you so that you don’t miss the enrollment period and you get the best policy for your needs. What other information can I provide to you to help you make a decision now?” Let them know that it’s in their best interest to act quickly. Be polite and approachable.
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Claro Agent Resource Center is ready to help you. As an insurance agent, having a go-to resource to support you in building your practice is a must. If you want to know more about negotiation tactics, count us in.