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Enrollment Periods: A Guide for Insurance Agents and Agencies in the Medicare Market

Navigating the intricacies of Medicare enrollment periods is crucial for insurance agents and agencies seeking to provide the best service to their clients. In this article, we’ll delve into the distinctions between the Open Enrollment Period (OEP) and the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) in Medicare, equipping agents with the knowledge they need to guide their clients through these critical phases.

Enrollment Periods: A Guide for Insurance Agents and Agencies in the Medicare Market Leer más »

Ways Agents Can Guide Clients Through Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Season

Medicare Advantage OEP season runs from January 1st through March 31st and gives you a great opportunity to connect with your policyholders. This is the time of year when individuals enrolled in a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan are allowed to make a one-time election to go to either another MA plan with or without Rx coverage or to Original Medicare with a stand-alone Prescription Drug Plan (PDP). While this enrollment period provides beneficiaries with a choice of plans if something isn’t working with their new or existing plan, CMS compliance guidelines restrict agents from marketing OEP to prospective customers.

It’s important to stress to your policyholders that these are important dates during which they can switch coverages or plans. So, communication goes a long way toward meeting client needs.

Here are some ways you can help policyholders navigate the Open Enrollment Period:

Ways Agents Can Guide Clients Through Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Season Leer más »

Crucial tactics on how to take care of your customers during SEP?

One can argue that in the insurance business, retaining your clients is just as, if not more important, than targeting new ones. This has become that much more difficult considering the 2020 global pandemic and the current state of the world has hindered outreach efforts and communication in general. For this reason, we want to highlight some methods and strategies that you can adopt as an independent insurance agent and ensure you are taking advantage of customer retention tools provided by Claro.

According to experts, the most important step to increasing client retention and ensure they return is understand why you client is not returning in the first place. Knowing this very simple question is the key to understanding the pivot and adjustments that need to be made in your business to ensure satisfied retuning clients.

Crucial tactics on how to take care of your customers during SEP? Leer más »

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