Claro Insurance

Amplify your supplemental sales reach!

Welcome to Claro Supplemental!

Expand your business opportunities by offering supplemental insurance coverage.

Claro Supplemental benefits

Boost Your
Insurance Practices

Elevating your supplemental
business for success

Account Executive
Our expert team identifies fresh opportunities and supports you in boosting sales, propelling your business forward.
Supplemental Academy by Claro
Dedicated to your growth, we offer specialized resources: live sessions, Claro talks, webinars, guides, and tailored advice.
Agent Resource Center
Our center offers data insights to uncover hidden opportunities in your business portfolio, enhancing strategic decisions.​
Top Commissions:
We grow as our agents do. Our commission model considers carriers, states, and client types.


Explore how we've empowered agents and agencies!

Transform your Supplemental sales strategy now!

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