Claro Insurance

Year-round marketing tips for independent insurance agents

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It’s important to keep in mind as an independent health or life insurance agent, that marketing is an ongoing year-round process. That is one of the biggest differentiators of successful agents. Many insurance agents focus their marketing efforts during the Open Enrollment Season, but this is the time where clients are being bombarded by marketing and advertisements from different insurance companies and insurance agencies to the point that they may feel overwhelmed, and it is difficult for an agent to stand out and gain clients during this time. We are sharing some tips that health insurance agents can apply year-round to grow their book of business.

Engage with your audience online:

Social media is one of the largest platforms to engage with your potential clients online. Know your target audience and which platform they spend most of their time on. For example, Instagram is a social platform with a higher percentage of millennials. Whereas Facebook has a higher percentage of baby boomer users. “Only 21% of Baby Boomers have an Instagram account vs 40% of Millennials. While there is greater all-around adoption on Facebook, with 75% of Baby Boomers now having an active account.” Now, knowing where your target audience spends most of their time online, we recommend joining online forums and finding pages where your potential clients are interested in and engage with them directly. Start building relationships and creating content to garner their attention.

Follow your competitors and keep an eye on the market.

Keep a close eye on your competitors and see where they are spending their ad dollars. See what type of content they are putting out and what type of reaction they are receiving from the public. This will give you a good sense of how and where you should be marketing your business as well as how you can improve your marketing and advertising.

Email marketing

Is likely one of the best marketing tools and strategies that you can have. Make sure to start building your email database with your existing clients. Email marketing can help you connect with your audience directly. You can start by sending bi-weekly or monthly emails to your clients with industry news and updates, important insurance information, and more. Be sure to put out content that you feel your clients will find helpful and relevant. This also helps to keep you top of mind when it comes time to enroll or change their health insurance or life insurance plan.

As an independent health insurance agent marketing year-round as opposed to only during or close to Open Enrollment opens your window to a greater chance for success. Claro also has a dedicated team that helps agents put together marketing strategies and offers support with online marketing and branding to ensure success. Contact a Claro account executive to help you get started today!

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Engage with your audience online:

Social media is one of the largest platforms to engage with your potential clients online. Know your target audience and which platform they spend most of their time on. For example, Instagram is a social platform with a higher percentage of millennials. Whereas Facebook has a higher percentage of baby boomer users. “Only 21% of Baby Boomers have an Instagram account vs 40% of Millennials. While there is greater all-around adoption on Facebook, with 75% of Baby Boomers now having an active account.” Now, knowing where your target audience spends most of their time online, we recommend joining online forums and finding pages where your potential clients are interested in and engage with them directly. Start building relationships and creating content to garner their attention.

Follow your competitors and keep an eye on the market.

Keep a close eye on your competitors and see where they are spending their ad dollars. See what type of content they are putting out and what type of reaction they are receiving from the public. This will give you a good sense of how and where you should be marketing your business as well as how you can improve your marketing and advertising.

Email marketing

Is likely one of the best marketing tools and strategies that you can have. Make sure to start building your email database with your existing clients. Email marketing can help you connect with your audience directly. You can start by sending bi-weekly or monthly emails to your clients with industry news and updates, important insurance information, and more. Be sure to put out content that you feel your clients will find helpful and relevant. This also helps to keep you top of mind when it comes time to enroll or change their health insurance or life insurance plan.

As an independent health insurance agent marketing year-round as opposed to only during or close to Open Enrollment opens your window to a greater chance for success. Claro also has a dedicated team that helps agents put together marketing strategies and offers support with online marketing and branding to ensure success. Contact a Claro account executive to help you get started today!

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