Here are some surefire ways to improve your selling skills from home.
1. Be consistent. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Setting a routine for yourself is crucial when working from home. Things like having designated times throughout the day for responding to emails, communicating with clients, and following up on pending items. This will give your workday more structure and will enable you to work more efficiently.
2. Time is money. Double your selling time by eliminating burdensome administrative tasks. As a Claro agent, you can lean on your account executive to assist you with administrative tasks, assistance with submissions, and more. The Agent Resource Center is also a great platform that helps you organize all your referrals and client documents.
3. Increase communication. Pick up the phone and reach out to your clients to ensure you are staying top of mind. Building rapport is sales 101, moving sales to a remote setting can be difficult to connect with your clients on a personal level. Health insurance agents can jump this hurdle by touching base with clients on a more personable level, for example, video calling your clients as opposed to email or text provides more of a personal and enjoyable connection. It will also help you stand out from the competition.
There’s no doubt that the pandemic has shifted the sales industry as a whole, though it doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. Agents can leverage the changing times in their favor. Contact an account executive to assist you in maximizing your time and sales! 1800-806-2527